Earnings Disclaimer

Last Updated: 15/09/2024

This Earnings Disclaimer (the “Disclaimer”) is provided by RDY DIGITAL (“we,” “us,” “our”) and applies to our website and services. By engaging with our services, including but not limited to SaaS (Software as a Service), dropshipping, or other monetised websites, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

1. General Results Disclaimer
The results displayed on our website, communicated to you over the phone, via text, email, or through any other means are illustrative of potential outcomes based on previous client experiences. These examples are not indicative of your results and do not guarantee that you will achieve similar outcomes. Each client’s success is dependent on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, their individual business decisions, strategies, market conditions, and industry dynamics.

2. Business Models and Website Types
Our services encompass a range of online business models including SaaS, dropshipping, and other monetised websites. The performance of these business models can vary significantly based on numerous factors, including but not limited to business strategy, execution, market demand, and management. Results achieved by previous clients in any specific business model do not assure similar results for other clients.

3. Marketing Efforts
We provide marketing strategies designed to optimise your online business’s potential. However, the effectiveness of these strategies can differ based on factors such as the current state of your website, industry niche, competition, and external economic influences. Websites not developed by us may exhibit different results due to variations in design, functionality, and overall strategy.

4. External Factors
The success of an online business can be influenced by external factors such as economic conditions, geopolitical events (e.g., wars), and industry-specific changes. These factors are beyond our control and may impact business performance in unpredictable ways.

5. No Guarantees
While we offer tools and guidance to support your online business, we do not guarantee any specific results or financial outcomes. The effectiveness of our services and strategies can vary and previous performance is not indicative of future results.

6. Legal Compliance
This Disclaimer is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia. If any provision of this Disclaimer is found to be invalid or unenforceable under the laws of Queensland, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.

7. Acceptance
By using our services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to this Disclaimer. You agree that our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

If you have any questions about this Earnings Disclaimer, please Contact Us